Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Dusty!

Dusty is 29 today! I am so thankful I was able to feel well enough to get up "early" and make him a big Birthday Breakfast! We had lots of time to spend together this morning before he was off to school and he is looking forward to his night at Tucanos! :-) (sign up for their birthday club for a free meal on your b-day if you haven't already....)

I know that Dusty brings joy to so many people and his talents bless many. I am happy to call him my husband and share each day with him. His smile and attitude brighten my day and remind me of the simple pleasures in life. I love him so much and want to wish him the Happiest of Happy Birthday's there is to be had!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

11 Weeks 4 Days

Note to self: NEVER click on a link that says "Your body changes a lot in nine months. What will it look like after having your baby?" and takes you to pictures of post-pregnancy bodies and bellies.

Just don't. You'll thank me later.


There is something about being an aunt....

There is something about being an aunt that just makes my world go 'round. I am so enriched by the lives of my sweet little nieces and nephews. I love to see little characteristics of my siblings in them and see the "Mother's Curse" put on by my own mother in action :-) I love each and every one of them SOOO much and, I feel, in some small way makes me a better mother-to-be. I get to see their extreme differences in personality and preferences and have had my chance to take care of them, play with them and just plain enjoy them!

My heart is turned to Jackson as he prepares for yet another head surgery. He is so strong, brave and precious beyond words and his Aunt Amy loves him more than she can say. I know that the Lord is with him helping him fight this battle. Sending all my love to all of my nieces and nephews from Utah. I love you all!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cute Stay-cation Ideas

11 Weeks 2 Days.....The Journey Continues

So I haven't written in a while. I have been in bed a lot and home feeling sorry for myself. Just kidding. I have joined the millions of other women who experience a torrent of emotions during the first trimester and I am sure never subsides completely.

I wonder if I will be good enough. I wonder if I will be able to meet my babies needs. I wonder if I will have the strength and stamina to meet the demands that are looming in my future. I wonder what kind of little kindred spirit is inside of me. I wonder about all of the logistics of how we are going to make this work. I wonder about a lot of things. I mean, I have lots of time. I lie awake at night with insomnia mulling the joys and symptoms I experience during this thing we call pregnancy.

I wonder a lot. I also am amazed at the whole process. So many times I read a book on pregnancy and just tear up in excitement and joy and amazement. I also tear up at the thought of giving birth. I am not going to lie. I am scared, but getting better. I have went through a little spurt where I was feeling guilty because I didn't feel so joyous all of the time because I was experiencing so many nasty symptoms and I just plain didn't feel good. Then that got me thinking, "Well why am I not excited to be having a baby? Why do I feel so down?" And then I really thought about it and that was a stupid thing to feel guilty about in the first place. I AM EXCITED....SUPER SUPER EXCITED but I just feel like c-r-u-d and that's OK not to be over joyous everyday.

The point is I have to give myself time to adjust to this new role I am stepping into just like anything else; and that's OK. It's OK that life has slowed down a bit and I am taking care of myself. It's OK that Dusty has to do dishes and cook (aka eat out) ;-) because I can't do it for a brief moment. That's life and that's why we are a team. It's OK to be a little frightened of the unexpected [read labor]. I know that the Lord is with me and that I was made to be a mother from the very beginning of my eternal being. THAT gives me great comfort in this time of great excitement, confusion, sickness and joy.

All of the women who have gone before me give me strength and courage and hope and love for what is to come. I am empowered as I think that I have been chosen to be a vessel for a sweet little spirit to call my own here on earth and throughout the eternities.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful women in my life! Especially the greatest of all--Lelia Starr Scott Logsdon, my mother! What a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady! I'll take all of the mushy stuff offline and talk to my mother in person. I just wanted to give a shout out to all of the women in my life who help shape me into the woman and future mother I will become. There are so many of you who have been examples to me in ways that you have no idea. I learn so much from you and admire your beauty, patience, creativity, multi-tasking, giving service and self-sacrificing love. I hope that I can rise to become half as much as you women are! I love you and Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for sharing your talents, love and friendsip with me so williningly.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

8 Weeks 4 Days

So last night was the first night where the sickness really got to me and I couldn't stop crying. It's just miserable. Poor Dusty didn't know what to do so he sent me to bed. ha ha It was probably the best thing for me though. As I was crying I was getting all crazy thinking things like I won't be able to handle being a mom and that this sickness would never leave. Then I picked up a book filled with stories of other moms at all different stages and it made me feel better reading of their experiences. So many women go through this everyday and they live too :-)

I am really trying hard today to eat small meals and snacks all throughout the day. I wake up in the middle of the night hungry like 4 times a night (no joke...and that's not even to pee...) and I do recognize that when I am hungry I feel sicker or if I ate too much I feel sick. So, I do feel a LITTLE better today now that I have been snacking on strawberries and carrots, wheat toast etc. I hope this is a solution to help me stay feeling better.

Miraculously the Lord helps you to forget all of these times so you actually want to bring more sweet little babies into this world.....or so I'm told :-)

Monday, May 04, 2009

So it begins

Dusty has started 2 spring classes so that is keeping him very very busy. He is going to do awesome...I can feel it!! I have been keeping myself busy writing with other things so the blog is getting a little neglected. We have lots going on lots to look forward to. The weather is warming up which makes me HAPPY. Mother's Day is this Sunday...if anyone knows of a cute Mother's Day craft send it my would ya! I am feelin' crafty.

Note to self :

NEVER watch movies like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (about the Holocaust..however I must say that is was a VERY moving and powerful movie about the evils of the Holocaust...I recommend it otherwise), We are Marshall (plane crashes killing everyone), Finding Neverland (girl dies and the whole movie just makes me weep), Fly Away Home (mom dies in the beginning and the ending is moving) etc. while pregnant.

Just don't.

I have been sicker than a dog and just laying on the couch amazed at how this nausea and tiredness has WIPED me out. Dusty has been great and I don't think I have whined a whole lot which is good cause I hate whining. The only thing I have been able to do a lot of is watch movies and sleep. I get BAD headaches when I try and read so that has been my weekend!

They tell me there is an end to this.... :-) In all actuality I am grateful for how I feel. I have gotten online to read up on remedies for morning sickness etc. and the more I read of other people's experiences, the more happy and content I am with my own circumstances :-)