Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ways to sneak vegetables into kids (or adults) foods!

Here are some links that I found while searching tonight that try to incorporate veggies in foods for picky eaters! I hope some of them help. The first links are books and then there are article links below.


Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food (Spiral-bound)

The Sneaky Chef: Simple Strategies for Hiding Healthy Foods in Kids Favorite Meals

Disney's Family Cookbook: Irresistible Recipes for You and Your Kids

Kid Favorites Made Healthy: 150 Delicious Recipes Kids Can't Resist (Better Homes & Gardens)

FamilyFun Kitchen: Super Snacks (Familyfun)

Here are a few links of articles too:

What things have worked for you all?

1 comment:

Chauntel said...

I just bought Deceptively Delicious. I love being deceptive. My blender broke two days ago in the mist of pureeing spinach.