Sunday, October 18, 2009

32 Weeks

Well, today is a day I can say I didn't want to post a photo. I have been so sick with indigestion it's ridiculous. Dusty was trying to make me laugh and he did succeed, but this is an in between photo. I am entitled to my off-days, right?! I felt great this morning and then, BAM. One of my preggo friends, who was due after me, actually ended up having her baby today. It just makes me a little anxious of not being ready and just knowing that any day little Colton can make his appearance. There is so much still left to do...not even decorating or any small stuff...I am past that. I just have to learn to go with the flow, something that pregnancy (and I am sure motherhood) will teach me one way or another. So, I guess it's better to learn my lesson now so we don't have repeat it over and over...I'll let ya know how that goes :-) Here's to week 32! May it NOT include so much indigestion :-)


Andrea said...

That means he is going to have a hair. I had horrible indigestion and Addi had a full head of black hair. It is an old wives tale but thought maybe it would make you feel better. Love ya girl!

Candace said...

YAYYY!!!! You look really pretty. TAKE COLTON TO GET HIS BUTT DOWN HERE. jk He can stay up there for 8 more weeks :D

Candace said...

That was supposed to say "TELL COLTON..." not take...oopsie.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean 'up there' (as in up in heaven?) or up THERE (as in up the wazoo)? LOL


Dusty Rhoads said...

Well, he already left heaven 32 weeks ago, sooooo....