Friday, December 01, 2006 LLC

I just wanted everyone to know that Dusty has formed an LLC with his snake business this week. Congrats to him with many more to come :)

Also as a side note: He got bit on the lip from one of the snakes. I'll let Dusty defend himself on this one....


Angela S said...

FINALLY something new, I can only look at the UK sign so many times before I wanna throw my computer across the room...congrats though to Dusty and yeah, if you need some kissing action you really need to ask your wife not the snakes.

teachinmama said...

What is LLC?

Anonymous said...

Limited Liablity Company. That way he can't get personally sued when his crappy snakes bite a customer, or himself. Dusty, I'd sue myself if I were you.


Angela S said...

But wait if he sues himself he'd have to pay himself or at least his company would and then the company would fold and he'd have to start a new company but yeah it doesn't really work well unless you have a lot of money...

Anonymous said...

I'm suing, I feel that the snakes posted on his site pose an immediate threat to my family. I also think that it is cruel to have snakes caged and am currently pursuing an animal cruelty case. I'm waiting on Judge Judy to return my call.

Dusty Rhoads said...

Yeah I was pretty hard up for some lovins, Angela. I guess the snake wasn't down with interspecies PDA. jk

Mike, I think I'm gonna have to just sue Amy. I mean, her middle name is "Sue". It's too obvious who needs to get sued here.

Anonymous said...

There he is call the COPS!!!