Friday, November 03, 2006

Freelance here I come...

I have lots of goals for freelance writing. I have written for school newspapers, my intership and work--things that have been published on the Internet, press releases, papers and magazines. But I have wanted for the longest time to get published in a magazine and eventually books. I practice writing a lot and I have a lot more skills to learn but today I got a boost too keep me going and know that something will happen if I stick to it. The New Era from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bought an article of mine! It is a Christmas story so it probably won't be published until next year, but I am WAY excited! I got a letter in the mail with a contract to sign today. This is a minor/major milestone for me with hopefully many more milestones to come!


teachinmama said...

Amy, I am so proud of you! You truly never cease to amaze me. Maybe this will be another of your "talents." Love you Mom

Angela S said...

Even before I read your comments I had those same words coming out of my mouth. AMY I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! You're awesome and you deserve it! P.S. I've left four or five messages for you this weekend and you haven't called me back!